Celebrating South Australia


Kingston SE – An Overview History

Peter Bell and Susan Marsden, ‘Overview History’, ‘Chronology of Events’ and bibliography, Kingston Heritage Survey, report to District Council of Kingston, Adelaide, 2008, pp 7-52, 289-303.


Kingston SE – An Overview History (672 KB)

 This entry was written by Peter Bell and Susan Marsden as the ‘Overview History’, ‘Chronology of Events’ and Bibliography in their Kingston Heritage Survey report (2008). Bell and Marsden carried out the survey in 2005-2007for the District Council of Kingston in the South-East region of South Australia.

The main aims of the Kingston survey were to assess European (and post-settlement Indigenous) cultural heritage resources in the town and district and to recommend places for listing in State and local heritage registers. The final report Kingston Heritage Survey is unpublished but is a public document endorsed in principle by the Council. The authors acknowledge and thank Kingston District Council and the Department of Environment and Heritage for permission to reproduce this history from the Kingston Heritage Survey.