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Kingston SE – An Overview History

 This entry was written by Peter Bell and Susan Marsden as the ‘Overview History’, ‘Chronology of Events’ and Bibliography in their Kingston Heritage Survey report (2008). Bell and Marsden carried out the survey in 2005-2007for the District Council of Kingston in the South-East region of South Australia.

The main aims of the Kingston survey were to assess European (and post-settlement Indigenous) cultural heritage resources in the town and district and to recommend places for listing in State and local heritage registers. The final report Kingston Heritage Survey is unpublished but is a public document endorsed in principle by the Council. The authors acknowledge and thank Kingston District Council and the Department of Environment and Heritage for permission to reproduce this history from the Kingston Heritage Survey.

Peter Bell and Susan Marsden, ‘Overview History’, ‘Chronology of Events’ and bibliography, Kingston Heritage Survey, report to District Council of Kingston, Adelaide, 2008, pp 7-52, 289-303.

Dr Susan Marsden is a professional historian (and a founding member of the PHA) who runs her own consultancy business, writing commissioned histories, recording oral histories, carrying out heritage surveys and preparing other reports, talks and exhibitions. She has worked as South Australia’s State Historian, and as National Conservation Manager for the Australian Council of National Trusts in Canberra, and has been a member of both ACT and SA Heritage Authorities as well as national heritage committees She is presently a member of the State Records Council and of the SA Heritage Council’s Register Committee. She is author/co-author of many publications, those relating to South Australia’s history and heritage including Historical guidelines (SA Historic Preservation Plan); Heritage of the River Murray; Business, charity and sentiment: the SA Housing Trust 1936–1986; Heritage of the City of Adelaide; Our house: histories of Australian homes (Internet); Challenging times: the National Trust of South Australia 1955–2005; and Twentieth century heritage survey – stage 1 (1946-59) & stage 2 (1928-45).

Tags: Aboriginal reserve, Aboriginal shearers, Aboriginal town camp, Aborigines, Adelaide-Melbourne highway (Princes Highway), Adelaide-Melbourne telegraph line, agricultural settlement, Ashmore Station, Australian National Railways, Avenue Range station (Kalyra, Back to Kingston celebrations (1936), Bagdad Station, Baker James, Baker Range, Baker’s Run, Baudin Nicolas, Baudin Rocks, Big Lobster, Blackford, Blackford Drain, Blackford Station, Boatswain’s Point, Bonney Charles, Bordertown, Bowaka station, Brown James, Butcher Gap, Cantara Station, Cape Bernouilli, Cape Jaffa, Chinamen’s Wells (Chinese Well), Chinese diggers, closer settlement, , Coast disease, Conservation Parks, Cooke Archibald, Cooke James, Cooke Mary, Cooke’s Stores (Kingston), Cooper John, Coorong, Coorong National Park, court house, Crown Hotel (Ship Inn), CSIRO, Dalgety’s (shipping agents), Dalkeith Station, Department of Woods and Forests, Depression (1930s), Doctor’s House (Kingston), domestic servants, Dover Charles (stone mason), drainage scheme, , Dukes of York and Clarence, Dunn Andrew, earthquake (1897), East Avenue Range, Eucalyptus camaldulensis (River Red Gum), European settlers, European violence, Fanny (ship), , First World War, , Flinders Matthew, , Foley John, , Gall John, Geographe (ship), Gifford John, Gold Escort route, gold rush, government (South Australia), Government Reserve, Governor George Grey, Goyder George (Surveyor-General), , , Greytown (Southend), Grote Francis, Guichen Bay, Harbors Board, Hawdon Joseph, Henty family, Henty Stephen, Highways Department, Holloway Joseph, Holy Trinity Anglican Church (Kingston), homestead buildings, horse changing station, , Hundreds, Hutchison and Dunn, Hutchison Andrew, Hutchison Anne, Hutchison Margaret, Hutchison William, Investigator (ship), J. Grice & Company, Jarman’s Timber Works (Kingston), , Jip Jip Rocks, Keilira Station, Keith, King William (building contractor), Kingston (ship), Kingston Canning and Preserving Works, Kingston District Council, Kingston George Strickland, Kingston jetty, Kingston National Trust Museum, Kingston School, Kingston SE, Kingston Soldiers Memorial, Kingston-Bowaka Drain, Kingston-Naracoorte Railway, King’s Camp, Lacepede, Lacepede District Council, Lake Alexandrina, Lake Eliza Station, Lake Hawdon, land degradation, , Lipson Thomas, Lobster Motel, Lucindale, Macdonald Anna, Marcollat Station, Margaret Brock (ship), Margaret Brock Reef, Maria (ship), Maria Creek, Maria Creek Run, Maria massacre, , Marsden Dr Walter, McGrath Flat, McLaren Verne(farmer and conservationist), medical care, Mediterranean climate, Meintangk people, , motor cars, Mount Benson, Mount Benson Run, Mount Gambier, Muecke Dr Berkeley, Mundy Alfred, , Murray Mouth, Naracoorte Railway, Naracoorte Range, National Trust (Kingston Branch), Ngarkat people, Ngarrindjeri (Milmenrura), Ngrangatari people, Noolook Bark Mill, Noolook Forest, Norfolk Island Pine, Occupation Licences, Ocean Oil Ltd, oil well (Australia’s first), one-teacher schools, Otter House (Kingston), Overland Road, Overlanders, pastoral Leases, pastoral runs, , Pearce Harry (police trooper), pelican sanctuary, petroleum industry, Pinus radiate, police station (Kingston), Port Caroline, Port Phillip District of New South Wales, post office, Potaruwutj people, Prince Albert, Prince George, Princes Highway, provisional schools, , radio base station, railway building, railway workers, recession (1880s), Reedy Creek, Reedy Creek Range, Reedy Creek School, Rivoli Bay District, Robe, Rosetown, Royal tour (1881), s Land, Salt Creek, Saltmarsh Ross, Scots settlers, Scrubby Swamp Station (Kercoonda), Sculpture Park and Sundial of Human Involvement, sea transport, Seagar Dr Joy, , Sewart Range, , sheep grazing, , , Smith William and Sarah, soil deficiencies, soldier settlement, South Australian Railways, South East Kingston Leader, South-East The, South-Eastern Railway Act 1871, Southern Ocean, Southern Ocean Oil Company Ltd, , Stanley Henry, station hands, Stegmann Dr F., Stirling Edward, Stone Edward, Strangways Act, , subterranean clover, , Taratap Station, Tatiara district, Tatiara people, Teeluc, The Granites, Tilleys Swamp Station, Todd Charles, Tolmer Alexander, , , Van Diemen, Victoria, , War Service Land Settlement Agreement Act 1945, Waste Lands Act of 1842, water reticulation, Wattle bark, Wattle bark stripping, West Avenue Range, Western Mining Corporation, Western Victoria, , Whaley Thomas, wheat growing, White Hut, Wight Fred, Wilke Rudolf, Wongolina Station (Tarlaemoor), wool industry, Woolmit Station, Wyomi Beach, Younghusband Peninsula