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18 June 1927 Angorichina Hostel

 18 June 1927   Angorichina Hostel

On 18 June 1927 the Governor, Sir Tom Bridges, opened the TB Hostel at Angorichina in the Flinders Ranges. The hostel was situated on an undulating plateau on the road from Parachilna to Blinman. Angorichina is derived from the Aboriginal janaritjina meaning 'open place' or 'wide valley'. The land was given to the Tubercular Soldiers' Aid Society by the owner of Angorichina Station. The Society raised money, which was subsidised with a grant from the government, to build the hostel.

The first chalet was a large room with a fly-proof verandah around which were the patients' bedrooms. Staff were accommodated in another small building. Other buildings were added in later years. As the TB sufferer improved in health he undertook certain chores - in the garden, poultry farm, milking the cows, and other light work. The men also made furniture from the local red gum and this was sold in Adelaide. Much of the work of building and maintenance was carried out by volunteers.

Health and Holiday for Angorichina,  1938. SLSA.

Tags: Angorichina Hostel (Northern Flinders Ranges), Tubercular Soldiers' Aid Society,