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1 March 1954 Earthquake

 1 March 1954   Earthquake

In the early hours of 1 March 1954 the worst earthquake in South Australia's history, and the second worst in Australia at the time, rumbled across the State. Fortunately no-one was killed and only three people were injured, but there was much structural damage to buildings around Adelaide. Many houses were cracked and heavy pieces of masonry fell from parapets and tall buildings in the city. The tremors, of five to 20 second duration, went on for five to six minutes. 

The 'quake registered 5.25 on the Richter scale or on the Mercalli scale of 1-12 (1 not being felt, 12 total damage) the strongest intensity was Force 8 at Darlington, followed by Force 7 at Beaumont and Force 5 felt nearly everywhere else. In fact the shaking was felt from Port Augusta and Burra to Tumby Bay, and eastwards to Tailem Bend and Renmark. Minor aftershocks continued for two days.

It was later reported that the movement was due to slippage of the Eden Fault Scarp. The most severe damage was sustained at Tapleys Hill and Blackwood. One odd result of the 'quake occurred when the Mount Barker creek began flowing at about 25,000 gallons an hour when previously it had been virtually dry.

The Advertiser, 2 March 1954.
