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First flights in South Australia's systematic beekeeping and honey harvesting Pt II

The author's interest in beekeeping arose from a research project commissioned in 2002 by the Apiary Industry Consultative Committee of PIRSA and the Kangaroo Island Beekeepers’ Association. This was to establish when and how the Ligurian bee was introduced to South Australia, thence to Kangaroo Island, and something of the breeding program of the government apiary formerly based on the Island at Flinders Chase. A closer look at the near outer-urban nature, rather than its rural operation, of much of South Australia's early beekeeping resulted in a paper, 'Bee breeding: Show and Tell in the City', which was presented at the 13th State History Conference of the History Trust of SA in May 2004, Adelaide. Further discoveries about the history of this essential part of South Australia's agricultural makeup are continuing.

Bridget Jolly, who holds an MA from Flinders University and a PhD from the University of South Australia, has been a professional historian for some thirteen years, and has presented conference papers and published articles on Buckminster Fuller, agricultural and architectural history topics, and Kangaroo Island's history. She is currently working towards publication of a book on aspects of Kangaroo Island's history, 1890-1950.

Tags: bee hive, bee wax moth, , , Berlepsch, Bonney A.E., Dickens Charles, Dobbie A., Dzierzon exhibition, Fiebig, Gale Albert, Garden and Field, German settlers, Government Produce Export Department, Gurr C.G., , Kangaroo Island, Langstroth L.L., Ligurian bee, musical instrument maker, Norton A.E.M., Pepys Samuel, Pope Gerald, , Quinn George, Robertson J., Ross R.D., Rozenzweig, SA Chamber of Manufactures, Simpson and Son, South Australian Beekeepers' Association, Weidenhöfer, Whitelaw T.E