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Housing the Workers in South Australia during World War Two

This essay was presented at a conference on the Homefront during World War Two arranged by Old Parliament House (History Trust of South Australia) and was first published in the Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia in 1988.

Susan Marsden, ‘Housing the workers’, Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia 16, 1988; also in Homefront: South Australia at war 1939-1945 Old Parliament House, Adelaide, 1988.

Dr Susan Marsden is a professional historian (and a founding member of the PHA) who runs her own consultancy business, writing commissioned histories, recording oral histories, carrying out heritage surveys and preparing other reports, talks and exhibitions. She has worked as South Australia’s State Historian, and as National Conservation Manager for the Australian Council of National Trusts in Canberra, and has been a member of both ACT and SA Heritage Authorities as well as national heritage committees She is presently a member of the State Records Council and of the SA Heritage Council’s Register Committee. She is author/co-author of many publications, those relating to South Australia’s history and heritage including Historical guidelines (SA Historic Preservation Plan); Heritage of the River Murray; Business, charity and sentiment: the SA Housing Trust 1936–1986; Heritage of the City of Adelaide; Our house: histories of Australian homes (Internet); Challenging times: the National Trust of South Australia 1955–2005; and Twentieth century heritage survey – stage 1 (1946-59) & stage 2 (1928-45).

Tags: Adelaide, Building Act Inquiry Committee Report 1940, factory workers, Finsbury, Hendon, , , Housing Improvement Act 1940, housing shortage, , Kilburn, Laura, munitions factories, Ovingham, Penfield, population growth, RP Brimblecombe and Son, Salisbury, Salisbury District Council, Salisbury Progress Association, South Australian Housing Trust, substandard houses, suburban development, suburban pioneers, war workers, War Workers Housing Trust, water supply, Whyalla, women workers, Woodville, Woodville North, World War Two, YWCA