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Post War Church Dynamics: Holy Trinity, Adelaide 1946-73 as a case study

Raises historical questions about how to explain the growth of church congregations. Another essay by the author on this subject, ' "We wanbted to make the first one a winner":  urban church planting and the origins of Holy Trinity Adelaide: Hills' can be found on the Holy Trinity Church website listed.

First published in "Lucas: an Evangelical History Review, no. 5, 1989, pp.23-28 and reprinted here with minor amendments.

Now retired, Brian Dickey is a member of the Professional Historians Association (SA). He has attended Trinity City Church since 1967.

Tags: , Billy Graham Crusade, church growth, Church Missionary Society, Delbridge Graham, Dillon F.H.B., , Holy Trinity North Terrace, Kaldor Peter, Reed Bishop T.T., Scripture Union, Shilton Lance