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Murrabinna (Blackford Reserve), near Kingston SE


This brief history of the Aboriginal place Murrabinna (also called Blackford Reserve) was written by Peter Bell and Susan Marsden as an assessment of the reserve’s heritage value in the Kingston Heritage Survey (report 2008). Bell and Marsden recommended that Blackford Reserve be provisionally entered in the South Australian Heritage Register, and this was one of several State Heritage recommendations from that survey considered by the South Australian Heritage Council’s Register Committee in 2010.

Bell and Marsden carried out the survey in 2005-2007 for the District Council of Kingston in the South-East region of South Australia. The main aims were to assess European (and post-settlement Indigenous) cultural heritage resources in the town and district and to recommend places for listing in State and local heritage registers. The final report Kingston Heritage Survey is unpublished but is a public document endorsed in principle by the Council. The authors acknowledge and thank Kingston District Council and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for permission to reproduce this history from the Kingston Heritage Survey.

Peter Bell and Susan Marsden, Blackford Reserve assessment, in Kingston Heritage Survey, report to District Council of Kingston, Adelaide, 2008.

Dr Susan Marsden is a professional historian (and a founding member of the PHA) who runs her own consultancy business, writing commissioned histories, recording oral histories, carrying out heritage surveys and preparing other reports, talks and exhibitions. She has worked as South Australia’s State Historian, and as National Conservation Manager for the Australian Council of National Trusts in Canberra, and has been a member of both ACT and SA Heritage Authorities as well as national heritage committees She is presently a member of the State Records Council and of the SA Heritage Council’s Register Committee. She is author/co-author of many publications, those relating to South Australia’s history and heritage including Historical guidelines (SA Historic Preservation Plan); Heritage of the River Murray; Business, charity and sentiment: the SA Housing Trust 1936–1986; Heritage of the City of Adelaide; Our house: histories of Australian homes (Internet); Challenging times: the National Trust of South Australia 1955–2005; and Twentieth century heritage survey – stage 1 (1946-59) & stage 2 (1928-45).

Tags: Aboriginal Burial Ground (Kingston), Aboriginal health, Aboriginal Lands Trust, Aboriginal reserves, Aboriginal title, Aboriginal women, Aboriginal workers, Blackford Reserve (Murrabinna), Blackford School, Blessios Athanasia (nee Hilda Bonney), Coorong, District Council of Lacepede, Kingston, Kungari Association, Lacepede Bay, Maria Creek, Meintangk, , , National Trust (Kingston), Ngarrindjeri, , post-contact Aboriginal history, , Rosetown (Kingston), South-East, Tindale Norman, Waste Lands Act 1842, Watson Ethel (nee Ethel Wympie), Watson Mary Jane