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A History of the Dover Gardens Kennel & Obedience Club


This brief history written by Beth M Robertson was first published in 1999 to mark the 30th anniversary of the Dover Gardens Kennel & Obedience Dog Club, of which the author is a member.

The author acknowledges and thanks Dogs SA (the South Australian Canine Association) for permission to reproduce three photographs from the SACA Journal, not previously published in association with this history.


 Beth M Robertson, ‘A History of the Dover Gardens Kennel & Obedience Club: The First Thirty Years’, in Dover Gardens Kennel and Obedience Club Inc. ... training schedule, general information and Club history The Club, Dover Gardens, S. Aust., 1999, pp. 13-16. 
Beth M Robertson completed an Honours Degree in the Department of History, University of Adelaide in 1979. From 1987 to 1999 she was the foundation Oral History Officer at the State Library of South Australia. She became Manager of the Library’s Preservation Department in 2005. She is author of the Oral History Association of Australia’s Oral History Handbook. The Fifth Edition of the Handbook was published in 2006.

Tags: Corporation of the City of Marion, , Dover Gardens Kennel and Obedience Club, McMonagle Betty, migration British, Mitchell Park Sports Reserve, Richardson Jim, South Australian Canine Association, ,